Sunday, August 24, 2014

At the end of the day...

Sitting by the Stone Bridge . Sakara

At the end of the day
The waters bring the silver shards of pain
Glittering across the bay like rain
Precious, worthless stones of sorrow
Washed back in vain
Washed back away

At the end of the day
The life pearls fall over the petals soul
Each a resounding yesterday toll
Still, lifeless tears of borrow
Fallen down a hole
Fallen down like spray

At the end of the day
The light dies down in silence
Mourned by nonsence
Granted, meaningless, thorough
Gone under whence
Gone under thence

At the end of the day...

Asra Kron, Taae Gianii En Jerag
10165, 6th Month, 2nd day of the 2nd hand

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Our History

History to be updated on this post. Please use the MUST READ links to access the Our History post in the future.

Aakii rediscovered on the 2nd Hand of the Fifth, 10165


10165 . Fifth Month, Second Hand, 4th day
    2014-07-27 10:34:25
    Asra Kron lands on Aakii Jahesa and claims it

10165 . Fifth Month, Second Hand, 5th day
    2014-07-28 . resident population: 3
    Aakii Jahesa established as the Taae Gianii dom

10165 . Fifth Month, Third Hand, 5th day
    2014-08-01 . resident population: 3
    Aakii Jahesa enabled full Role Play status

10165 . Fifth Month, Fifth Hand, 5th day - Kajuralia
    2014-08-12 . resident population: 5
    Aakii Jahesa fully operational

Aakii Jahesa . Taae Gianii . 2014

Monday, August 11, 2014

Gertrude and Mathilda

Gert and Hilda!

Gertrude, the old milking Bosk, at times a little grumpy (she old!), affectionately called "Gert" by the Taae, and Mathilda, the Barrens milking Verr, restless and always trying to break free (she young!), some call "Hilda", are the two main milk sources of the Taae Gianii, both kept safe in the Aakii-Tai camp perimeter, unlike the semi-wild Verr on Dukmi-Tai that while providing milk and wool to the tribe are left alone to roam free and even used by the Amaae.

Gert has been known to inspire some of the huntresses to make use of their girls while they are tending her, while Hilda is prone to more innocent types of play. Both are precious to the Nature loving Taae and they praise the Mother of All for the graciousness shown by allowing them to find such useful and amusing animals. While some of the nourishment they need comes from Aakii's wilderness, the soft and tender forage both Gertrude and Mathilda like best is acquired through trade with Dirii, or sometimes an occasional loan from other places *coughs*.

Please be kind to animals.
They are the Mother's blessings to us all. *smiles*

Asra Kron, Taae Gianii En Jerag
10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 5th hand

Aakii Jahesa Arkiv

Asra at the Arkiv...

Aakii Jahesa Arkiv
Isle of Dragons Archive

Aakii is a place where stories live, breathe and endure.
The best moments and the most significant chapters of the souls that live and visit the Isle are saved in a public record Arkiv (Archive in the old tongue) for the explorers to visit and read if so inclined.

It is, of course, IN CHARACTER information, gathered by the tribe's original En Jerag, a high born well educated Builder Caste woman, so the memory of the Isle and the people connected to it may remain.

To each own how to use the iC information they find in the AJA (Aakii Jahesa Arkiv).
Use your imagination, share your story line, dream with us.

Asra Kron, Taae Gianii En Jerag and AJA Arkivus *
10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 5th hand

* Archivist

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Aakii Quick Rules

Clear Skies over Aakii Jahesa . SE view

Here are the region's quick rules for future reference.
Last updated August 6, 2014.

Aakii Jahesa and Ta-Aakii Jahesa:

This region has 2 islands. Main is Aakii (Dragons) and the
secondary is Ta-Aakii (Daughter of Dragons).
Ta-Aakii is Role Play ONLY but NOT a Safe Zone (SZ).
Main - Aakii (Dragons) RP + Combat
Secondary - Ta-Aakii (Daughter of Dragons) RP only - Not a safezone

Aakii Jahesa is a DAY CYCLE region.
Please set your viewer to region default and be on our time of day.
Thank you for Role Playing gorean nights, dawns and sunsets!

Main Dock SZ rules:

Main Dock is the only SZ on the region:
10 minutes of grace upon arrival (rez)
Grace period ends before time if:
- you leave the dock
- you start RP
- you attack with intent *
* weapons test allowed


Swim DO NOT walk/run under water!
This is a swimmers sim - Goreans DO know how to.
If you choose not to swim (you are not forced to KNOW how to)
then please stay out of deep waters - just as you would in RL.
Swim HUD is mandatory for swimmers.
( see complete rules for swimming )

If you fall in a trap while no Taae on the region, and wish
to RP the capture, send us a Note Card and we will resume after.

"Taken By Aakii"
If you attempt to cross a waterway, lake or river,
or use the sea bottom to escape, you MUST swim/dive.
If you don't, anywhere in Aakii you will get "taken" by
the island's currents and washed away - must TP out.
You will be bubbled as a penalty but NOT CAPTURED.
"Taken by Aakii" is a penalty bubble, not a capture.
Please learn to swim. *smiles*

“Sail in, Sail out” rules:

You arrive by Sea at the main dock,
You arrive by Air (tarn riders) at the tarn rock
Aakii is an island, you can effectively use
ANY dock by the sea to RP your departure
BUT only by canoe - ships only at the main dock
You can depart ON A CANOE if you paddle
to open sea and emote the departure there
- depart from a river dock (in land)
- depart on a canoe while in a river, lake*
* you must paddle to Sea
Departure emotes:
Alone: - 1 line / 10 words
With captive: 1 line / 10 words naming the captive
- emote “sails” from small docks, canoes only

HS ratios & locks - Raid, Rescue & Siege are the same:

No gates/doors
Slaves use slave weapons, count as a free
Raiders without tarns: 1 raider to 1 defender
Raiders with tarns: 1 tarn rider to 2 defenders
( see complete rules for examples )
To lock the region sound the main dock horn

Capture, Rescue/Trade and Siege times:

Rescue can start 1 hour after captive arrives on Aakii
Trade time same as Rescue
Ta-Aakii sieges need to be announced by emissary,
Siege lasts 15 minutes after emissary leaves Ta-Aakii
after which a breakout or trade needs to happen
( see Ta-Aakii Siege in the complete rules )
No RP combat is invalid.
- You may be silent the whole time but emote why.
- Tell a story and create a new chapter.
- Pew Pew somewhere else.

Aiding - 1 line / 10 words
Bandaging - 1 line / 10 words per bandage
Binding - 3 lines / 10 words each
Unbinding with blade - 1 line / 10 words
Unbinding untying - 3 lines / 10 words each
Self-unbinding - 3 lines / 10 words each*
* No timer, unbind if left alone
Grapples - Scout: yes / Raid: No (SHOUT!)
Lock picking - 3 emotes / 10 words each** (NO SHOUTING!)
** on Ta-Aakii ONLY, Aakii has no gates/doors
Departing - 1 line / 10 words (careful HOW you emote departing)
Departing with captives - same as alone but must name the captives
Escaping combat - same as departing (30 minutes to return)
Departing after a raid/rescue/siege means 30 minutes to return

Killing is serious. You are required ONE hour of solid KILL
oriented RP to perform a kill. Timer starts when you reveal the
intention to kill NOT when you start the RP with the one you will kill.
No bubble metered deaths. You die here you die forever.
Your AV will NEVER be admitted again and all RP with it elsewhere
is void. If you chose to reborn with the same AV but a different name
and life you need to tell us so the death ban is lifted.

1st - First Offense / 2nd - Second Offense
- Meter reset: 30 days / 1st time, 60 days / 2nd time.
- Taken by Aakii currents*: TP out and come back
* bubbled while walking underwater - no other penalty
- Jumping underwater to avoid being taken by Aakii
will get you banned for 7 days / 1st, 30 days / 2nd
- Climbing mountains: warning / 1st, 7 days ban / 2nd
- Prim jumping: warnings / 1st and 2nd
- Dressed inappropriately: warning / 1st, 7 days ban / 2nd
- breaking the rules: warning / 1st, 7 days ban / 2nd
- OOC in local: warning / 1st, 7 days ban / 2nd
- OOC insults (local or IM): immediate ban
- Griefing: immediate permanent ban
- AFK ( not in our groups ): warnings / 1st and 2nd
( see complete list of penalties in complete rules )
Note: ANY 3rd offense leads to a permanent ban



This is a gorean role play region, rated adult. Know where you are.

If you are wondering if your attire is gorean, chances are it is not! *smiles*

Permanent bans will be reviewed by the Council upon request after at least
30 days away - All bans are Council sanctioned. Please see complete rules for details.
On Sim Mods: Illushian (terraneuvena resident)
Independent Mods: tba
Sim Owner: Asra / Asra Kron (x4ten resident)

Taae Gianii panthers - Aakii Jahesa
2014 ac, August 1 / 10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 3rd hand

Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Aakii Jahesa mountains. SE view from the East Forest . Aakii-Tai (left), The Needle (center), Dukmi-Tai (right)

The Language of the Daughters

Taae Gianii Glossary
Old Tongue and Gor. (Kassar and Gore)

Aye, the old tongue is a drag and most BTB goreans take after John Norman and are slackers so yeah they all speak English *rolls eyes*

2nd Note:
On the pronounciation of "-a" plurals, usually "-ae", Aakii islanders
pronounce it with a thick accent "-aae". One way to determine their origin as they speak.

Taae Gianii ------------ Gianis' Daughters
Kaii Gianii -------------- Gianis' Girls
Taae --------------------- Daughters
Aakii Jahesa ----------- Island of Dragons
Ta-Aakii Jahesa ------- Daughter of Dragons Island
Wookadar ------------- Priestly Bridge

Aaki / Aakii ................. Dragon / Dragons
Ta-Aakii ....................... Daughter of Dragons
Jahesa / Jahesaae ....... Island / Islands
Dom / Doms ................. Home / Homes
Tarna / Tarnaae ......... Daughter / Daughters
Ta / Taae .................... Diminutive of daughter / plural
Giani / Gianii ............. Giani / Gianis (small rain forest panther)
Velb / Velbs ................ Cub / Cubs
Jerag / Jerags ............. Sister / Sisters
Sa / Saae ...................... Life / Lives
Tassna / Tassnaae .... Mother / Mothers
Tana / Tanaae ............ Mommy / Mommies
Kur / Kurii .................. Kur / Kurs (beast like alien species)
Dar ............................... Priestly
Wooka / Wookas ...... Bridge / Bridges
Cruk - Cruks ............... Bow / Bows
Prita / Pritaae ................ Slave Girl / Slave Girls
Kai / Kaii ....................... Girl / Girls
Ama / Amaae .............. Friend / Friends
Vang / Vangs ............... Paw / Paws
Diri / Dirii ...................... Water bringer / Water bringers
Arkiv / Arkivus ............. Archive / Archivist

Of the tribe

En / En Jerag ............. First / First Sister
Se / Se Jerag .............. Second / Second Sister
En-Cruk ...................... First Bow
Porta ........................... Elder
Gren ............................ Green / Healer
Shamani ..................... Medicine Woman / Healer
Giani ............................ Runner / Scout (after the rain forest panther)
Jerag ............................ Full sister
Velb ............................. Cub / Pledge
Hand ........................... Hand (En's first in friends group)
Dzol ............................. Key (En's first in slaves group)
En-Kai ......................... First Girl (Usually the En's first)
Kai ............................... Girl / Owned Girl
Prita ............................. Slave Girl / Camp Girl
Ama ............................. Friend
Vang ............................ Paw (friend allowed to fight with the Taae)
Diri ............................... Trader (Waterbringer)

Of the Lands in particular

Se-Vee ......................... Two Ways
En-Wook .................... First Bridge
Lil-Wook ..................... Little Bridge
Aakii-Tai ...................... Dragons Mountain
Dukmi-Tai ................... Hope Mountain
Velb Falls .................... Cub Waterfalls
Ost River .................... Snake River
Aaki-Cor ..................... Dragon Spirit
Cor-Na .............................. Soul Tree
Sakara ........................ Turning of Life (Islet)

Taae Giani
10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 3rd hand (August 1, 2014)

What I believe...

Ta-Aakii . Daughter of Dragons

Aakii Jahesa
The Homestead

I am a firm believer that homesteads will bring Old School Gor back.
For many reasons.
It is a confined environment, no huge armies are allowed by design.
It encourages RP and discourages combat, making it mean something.
Makes Raid/Rescue ratios real - 1 vs 1 when no gates to overcome.
Allows new trends to develop, like multiple levels and entry/exit points.
And last but most important, it is easier to maintain by a single owner.

Being a Gorean Homestead owner, I decided to let the Council rule the Role Play aspects of life on the Islands. Starting as the group leader does not make the position a lifetime one.
In line with the tradition, panthers do choose a leader periodically.
On Aakii, the Taae Gianii vote the En every quarter. Four elections every year. I will submit to the Taae's will and step down for another if it comes to that. So many regions are locked into one person's ways and views, forgetting the group and how it evolves.

To me, stories and History are everything.
May this region be a testament to this.

Asra Kron, Taae Gianii En Jerag
10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 3rd hand (August 1, 2014)



The northwest mountains are Taae country, beware approaching.
If you remain on the southeast region, the plains, East Forest and
South Forest, as well as the Three Lakes central region are free
wilderness. Explore. Be mindfull of islanders other than the Taae.
Some continentals call Aakii Jahesa home and have settled on
the southeast regions or Ta-Aakii Jahesa.

USE the available resources to enhance your Role Play.
Wild animals, hiding places, beaches, islets and Ta-Aakii provide
great ways to make your presence known and your experience
fun! Remember there are iC sources on the Islands that may be
useful in your personal quests. They also provide iC hindsight
on the region and the ones living here. USE them!


Flags are only recognized when a NC with the RP is left behind.
Homesteads are limited combat environments. We tried to keep
Aakii open to all approaches in Role Play, including combat,
however, our ratio of 1 vs 1 and 1 vs 2 (tarns) makes battles look
more like skermishes, and to be true to the spirit of Gor, no huge
bands of outlaws ever attacked any tribe.


We are BBP and OSG - By the Book Panthers / Old School Gor.
That means other than Tharna we recognize VERY few matriarch
groups - exceptions are justified by established STORY LINES.
If you have a women ruled, armed women based group that is
not a tribe (panther, taluna or mamba) send us a NC with your
background and objectives. You NEED a story to Role Play here.

It's alright if you START one here! But have one.