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Aakii Jahesa mountains. SE view from the East Forest . Aakii-Tai (left), The Needle (center), Dukmi-Tai (right) |
The Language of the Daughters
Taae Gianii Glossary
Old Tongue and Gor. (Kassar and Gore)
Aye, the old tongue is a drag and most BTB goreans take after John Norman and are slackers so yeah they all speak English *rolls eyes*
2nd Note:
On the pronounciation of "-a" plurals, usually "-ae", Aakii islanders
pronounce it with a thick accent "-aae". One way to determine their origin as they speak.
Taae Gianii ------------ Gianis' Daughters
Kaii Gianii -------------- Gianis' Girls
Taae --------------------- Daughters
Aakii Jahesa ----------- Island of Dragons
Ta-Aakii Jahesa ------- Daughter of Dragons Island
Wookadar ------------- Priestly Bridge
Aaki / Aakii ................. Dragon / Dragons
Ta-Aakii ....................... Daughter of Dragons
Jahesa / Jahesaae ....... Island / Islands
Dom / Doms ................. Home / Homes
Tarna / Tarnaae ......... Daughter / Daughters
Ta / Taae .................... Diminutive of daughter / plural
Giani / Gianii ............. Giani / Gianis (small rain forest panther)
Velb / Velbs ................ Cub / Cubs
Jerag / Jerags ............. Sister / Sisters
Sa / Saae ...................... Life / Lives
Tassna / Tassnaae .... Mother / Mothers
Tana / Tanaae ............ Mommy / Mommies
Kur / Kurii .................. Kur / Kurs (beast like alien species)
Dar ............................... Priestly
Wooka / Wookas ...... Bridge / Bridges
Cruk - Cruks ............... Bow / Bows
Prita / Pritaae ................ Slave Girl / Slave Girls
Kai / Kaii ....................... Girl / Girls
Ama / Amaae .............. Friend / Friends
Vang / Vangs ............... Paw / Paws
Diri / Dirii ...................... Water bringer / Water bringers
Arkiv / Arkivus ............. Archive / Archivist
Of the tribe
En / En Jerag ............. First / First Sister
Se / Se Jerag .............. Second / Second Sister
En-Cruk ...................... First Bow
Porta ........................... Elder
Gren ............................ Green / Healer
Shamani ..................... Medicine Woman / Healer
Giani ............................ Runner / Scout (after the rain forest panther)
Jerag ............................ Full sister
Velb ............................. Cub / Pledge
Hand ........................... Hand (En's first in friends group)
Dzol ............................. Key (En's first in slaves group)
En-Kai ......................... First Girl (Usually the En's first)
Kai ............................... Girl / Owned Girl
Prita ............................. Slave Girl / Camp Girl
Ama ............................. Friend
Vang ............................ Paw (friend allowed to fight with the Taae)
Diri ............................... Trader (Waterbringer)
Of the Lands in particular
Se-Vee ......................... Two Ways
En-Wook .................... First Bridge
Lil-Wook ..................... Little Bridge
Aakii-Tai ...................... Dragons Mountain
Dukmi-Tai ................... Hope Mountain
Velb Falls .................... Cub Waterfalls
Ost River .................... Snake River
Aaki-Cor ..................... Dragon Spirit
Cor-Na .............................. Soul Tree
Sakara ........................ Turning of Life (Islet)
Taae Giani
10165, 5th Month, 4th day of the 3rd hand (August 1, 2014)
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